How to sell used books online using bx-zone?
The procedure to sell second hand books through bx-zone is quite simple.
I am listing down the steps for you.
1. First of all, you need to sign up on bx-zone to create an account.

2. After you have created and verified your account you should log into it.

3. Then click on the ‘sell used books online’ menu item in the used books store.

4. You will be redirected to a page on which you will see a form.
5. Fill in the form with the details of your book.

5.1 Upload Photo - Select the photo of your book. Make sure that the format is either .jpeg or .png.
5.2 Book Name - put in the name of your book
5.3 Book Author - You will be helping the potential buyers of your book a lot if you mentioned the author’s name.
5.4 Book Publication - Mentioning publication is not mandatory but I would say the more details you mention the better it will be.
5.5 Category - Choose the category under which your book falls
5.6 Original price - Mention the price at which you bought the book or the MSP.
5.7 Selling price - In this field, you need to mention the offer price.
You should offer an attractive discount to your book buyers. An ideal discount is between 50% to 60%.
5.8 Select Denver as the city from the drop-down list.
5.9 If you are ready to exchange your book with some other book that the buyer might have, then check the box.
5.10 Description - This box lets you put in your sales pitch. You should ensure that what you write in this box is attractive and pull the buyers towards hitting the button on your book.
Don’t hesitate in mentioning the book name or related keywords in the description box as well as the discount.
5.11 Map - The map helps you mark the pick-up point. The maps on your book’s profile page let visitors know where exactly the book is available.
You can also set the pick-up point as your home location if you want to sell your books from the comfort of your home.

5.12 The final step is to hit the upload button after which your book will start appearing in the used bookstore.

A lot of online book buyers visit bx-zone every week who look for books at a low price.
Certain visitors who are looking for the exact same books as listed by you will get attracted to the discount you’re offering.
On your book’s profile page, they will click on the ‘contact owner’ button which will shoot an email to you.
The email will contain the contact details of the potential buyer. You must use it to call them directly and fix the deal.
Once the deal is fixed, you meet the buyer at the agreed place and the agreed time at which you will hand over the books.
Do remember to collect the money then and there.