If you ask this question – “How to study for long hours?”, you’re an achiever

How to study for long hours

There is craving for success in every human being. Some have it hidden deep inside their heart, some have it always upfront in their attitude and you can see it spilling out when they talk or explain about their goals.

If you’re thinking ‘where’s that craving for success inside me?’ then I would say it’s there, if anyone says it’s not within you then he/she is lying and is totally ignorant about the powers which reside within.

All you need is a little tapping. Some people receive this tapping through some tough experiences and precarious situations where they are left with no option other than go for success.

But it’s not always you need to fall into situations to stimulate that hunger, you can do it yourself by constantly affirming to yourself how much you need to be successful and shine bright.

Often, the above lines are told to children by their parents. Some parents succeed, some don’t.

Well, the students whose parents succeed in rekindling the fire in their heart have only one and one aim.

That aim is to become a topper by scoring the highest marks in exam.

This goal of theirs brings another question in the bucket which is ‘how to study for long hours?’

This article from bx-zone.com tries its best to answer this question.

Study with concentration

Months ago I was sitting with a very dear friend of mine and we were having a cool conversation on how to study for 15 hours a day. Actually, we were discussing about few influential people and the name of Warren Buffet came up.

As a rich source of information on Warren Buffet, I told him that Warren Buffet reads a lot, on some days he even reads for 12-15 hours even when he is a billionaire.

During this conversation, my friend told me that how to study for long hours may matter but what matters more is how to concentrate on study for long hours.

This means that if you’re just sitting at your desk and reading and reading the book, with no focus or concentration then it’s of no use. You will be wasting your time and energy. Don’t do it.

Practice your mind to absorb what you’re reading and then the article from here will make sense. Achieving a laser like focus will not be easy in the beginning but even if you’re moving ahead keeping the focus in check your job will be done.

One day at a time

When you have to study for long hours, more than tips what matters is the mindset.

Suppose you have 3 months to exams and you have already come up with your exam preparation plan. As one of the tips for exam preparation, you have researched on the study time table of toppers only to arrive at the conclusion that you got to study for long hours in order to make it big in exams.

If you allow your mind to look at the mammoth task of studying for 15 hours a day for 90 days, you’re not doing justice to your exam preparation plan.

The key is to look only at the step you’re taking at the moment. Think only about how to study for long hours today and forget tomorrow. Follow this mindset at least in the beginning and you’ll see some fabulous results.

Get up early in the morning

To study for long hours, you must have hours in your closet. Things will not move in your direction if you start your day from 10 AM.

You must develop a habit of getting up early morning at most by 5:30 AM so that you can start your day early and get enough time of the day to execute your study time table.

Long sittings

An important strategy which I got after chatting with toppers and people who work for long hours is that they give strong emphasis on studying for a big chunk of time.

While designing your time table, do keep in mind that you put in study slots of minimum 2 hours and maximum 4 hours.

After surveying with few topper students, I believe the following study slots should can be practiced.

1. 5:30 – 9:30 AM (4 hours)

2. 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM (4 hours)

3. 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (2.5 hours)

4. 9:00 PM – 10:30 PM (1.5 hours)

If you add the time duration of all these slots then you find yourself studying for 12 hours. Here, you accommodate 7 hours of good night sleep, 2 hours of bathing and lunch time, 2.5 hours of leisure time and half an hour of dinner.

Within these slots, you’ll have to do justice to the books you’re reading which means that all your heart and mind should be surrendered to the books in order to make those study slots highly productive else it won’t be that effective.

Don’t get discouraged if the efficiency doesn’t rise to the surface in a day or two. Be confident and be persistent and things will happen.

Short Breaks after long hours

Yes, it’s always good to take breaks. Your mind needs rest after studying and there’s nothing wrong in stopping by the river, let the horses of your mind, driving your study chariot, drink water, relax for a while and then you again start whipping them to run.

However, it is vital to realize that you take effective study breaks. Relaxing for 5 minutes after studying for an hour is perfectly fine, but if you take study breaks in every half an hour then it poses a serious challenge.

Frequent study breaks can really break your study time table and the productivity from the study slots can be hampered.

If you want to study for long hours then breaks have to be of short duration. The duration of breaks described in the time table above is suitable for every student who wants to dedicate his time to long hours of study with concentration.

Kill Procrastination

Getting up at 5 am in the morning and then picking up your phone to check your social media profiles will do a serious damage to your morning hours of study.

That feeling of staying idle, lurking in the dark corners of your mind will soon take over, due to which, the ‘study for long hours’ feeling will become the thing of the future which may not see the light of the day.

The key here is to kill the procrastination. You must take a peek inside your heart to reacquaint yourself with the fire within and realize that sitting idle with your phone will do no good to you.

One good idea is to always keep our phone in the other room and develop the habit of checking it after the study slot is over. Believe me, this will help you study with concentration.

It’s your own study plan and you got to stick to it.

The study time table of toppers is more or less similar to what I described above.

They always focus on studying in slots of long hours to grasp 3-4 concepts of the subject they are planning to read but one thing that actually encourages them to study with concentration for 12 hours a day is they create an exam preparation plan or a simple study plan and they do everything in their capacity to stick to it.

Yes, I told you to take it one day at a time but the aggregation of these days is very important. Make sure whatever the reason be you don’t let go of the plan that you created.

Promise yourself that you’ll follow your study time table and study for 12 hours a day doesn’t matter come rain or shine. Do everything in your capacity to keep this promise and the results will be fantastic.

Eventually, studying hard will become your habit.

Say no to distractions

It may happen that your friend knocks on the door during your study slot or simply, your favorite sitcom falls in the time when you should be studying.

Tackle the distractions effectively, little sacrifices are necessary - try to wrap up with your friend within 5 or 10 minutes, promising him that you’ll meet him during your leisure time slot.

We have so many apps on smartphones, and there are apps of particular TV channels as well, make sure you use your free time or break time in watching that favorite sitcoms of yours on your mobile.

Keep a check on distractions, you can totally study with concentration for long hours only and only by forming your habit; distractions can cause a serious blow to this habit, hence say no to distractions.

Scoring highest marks in class in all subjects require tremendous amount of effort and patience. It’s not easy but it is damn possible and with all the above factors combined you can certainly achieve it.

It’s a matter of attitude in addition to reading and studying that is going to help you study for long hours and practicing each one of these on a regular basis will not only help you reach your goal but make your journey to the goal exciting and enthusing.

Any other thing which you think you would like to share that can help students on this topic of ‘how to study with concentration for long hours?’

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