I am glad you are giving your precious time right now to this post and I presume that you are very much interested in developing the precious habit of reading, therefore I hope this post provide solution to your problem and justice to your time.
Before jumping straight on the topic I would like you to take a deep breath and pay attention to the questions listed below -
Q. Has it happened to you that you have taken a New Year resolution to develop a reading habit and couldn’t abide by it?
Q. Do you feel bad about wasting time every day which you must have dedicated to reading books?
Q. Had you made up your mind to read last weekend but ended up watching a ton of movies?
Q. Or you don’t simply have a hobby and want to develop reading books as the main hobby?
If the answer of all these questions is ‘Yes’ then you are completely normal and are on the way of developing a reading habit and be a voracious reader. Although, you just need a little push!
To develop a reading habit you must first understand the basic issues which hinder you from reading consistently.
1. You get bored at the first page only.
2. You get your first yawn once you flip a couple of pages.
3. Your reading time is taken over by the telecast of your favourite movie on the television.
4. You simply procrastinate because you think that you will read tomorrow.
5. Or you don’t read because of numerous other reasons