Students Discipline
It is widely believed that discipline is the key to success. It is another value along with patience which must be instilled in students from an early age.
School uniforms introduce discipline to students. They learn subconsciously to stay within the limits crossing which, they can fall into an incorrect culture.
Uniforms also represent the institution. They teach students to align themselves with the main motto of the institution which is always to develop them into good human beings. You know you can be a good engineer, good doctor, good scientist or a good lawyer but discipline makes you a great engineer, great doctor, great scientist and a great lawyer.
Schools believe that uniforms inculcates discipline among students.
Buy a set of uniform and don’t bother
I am placing this reason in the last because I think that it’s not a substantial one or may be it is (do eliminate my confusion by commenting on it).
The day of a lady who is a mom is not easy. Of all the household tasks along with office work, if she is given the facility of not having to wash 5 pairs of clothes of her child then it’s a teeny tiny relief for her.
You know what gives her this relief - school uni forms.
At mid week or at the end of week, she just has to wash a single pair of clothes of her child rather than 5. Don’t take me wrong that I haven’t thought that the kid is not going to wear school uniform all day.
The point is that there will be less wear and tear of the clothes of the kid when he/she has to wear school or college uniform.
I have listed many reasons in this article on ‘Should students wear school uniforms?’
Let us know what you think of them? I gave a serious thought to this question which confronted me in Mumbai metro and could think of few reasons.
Also, I had to consult with so many of my friends for brainstorming which helped gain a couple of more.
However, I still believe the onus is on you to provide me the answer of the question asked in the title - (Yes/No).