Chemistry for IIT-JEE (vol-2)

Author : Dr P Bahadur, Prabhat Kumar
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A big question that JEE aspirants face is how to study inorganic chemistry for JEE advanced. Inorganic chemistry is the most hated section of chemistry. Students hate to prepare for inorganic chemistry for IIT JEE because it requires a lot of memorization and revision. That is why, students push it at the end of their JEE preparation queue. It comprises of one-third portion of the JEE advanced chemistry that makes it necessary to pay attention to. The best part about chemistry inorganic is that you can solve its questions in the IIT JEE paper within seconds while other questions of physics and mathematics take 3 minutes to solve. When I spoke with a few students who got good AIRs, they told me that inorganic chemistry questions gave their AIRs real boost and only the smart students understand the importance of inorganic chemistry in JEE advanced and mains. IIT JEE paper tests your logic in math, physics and organic chemistry but it studies your memorization skills in the inorganic chemistry section. If you start preparing inorganic chemistry for IIT JEE with this mindset then it won’t feel like an overhead. The toppers say out of their experience that most students undermine the importance of NCERT textbooks of class 11 and class 12. In fact, JEE mains paper has the habit of asking a few questions, 2 or 3, directly from the NCERT chemistry textbook. Imagine the time-saving if you know the answer of such 3 questions. You are going to take not more than 15 seconds to solve them. Even, few questions in the JEE advanced exam are linked directly to the basics given in the NCERT textbooks. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you study the NCERT textbooks thoroughly. For JEE advanced, it is recommended to refer other advanced inorganic chemistry books for JEE like Chemistry for IIT-JEE (vol-2) by P Bahadur or Cengage, OP Tandon etc. Another tip using which you can conquer inorganic chemistry for iit jee is by mastering the periodic table. With the timely revision of periodic table and chemical bonding, you can roll forward way ahead of others. These are the two important inorganic chemistry topics which you must become an expert in. If you analyze the pattern of IIT JEE paper then you will find that block elements are the 2nd favorite topic of IIT JEE exam. The blocks which are of great importance from the perspective of the exam are S, P, D and F. Make sure you learn their properties by heart and the paper will then appear like a piece of cake to you. You can create flash cards to remember the important stuff and you can go through it from time to time. This is an important and age-old revision strategy. In fact, resonance study material for IIT JEE uses this strategy. They provide handouts to their students so that students can remember important content like formulae, reaction mechanisms, properties of block elements etc. If you are looking to buy books for inorganic chemistry at a low price then the online bookstore of bx-zone is full of them. You can save plenty of money on IIT JEE best books here.

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