In the center of a round table in the drawing-room, they notice 10 little china figures.
All are having distinct conversations after the dinner when suddenly a recorded voice starts playing that reminds each of them of their committed crimes with the dates.
They pull out the source of that recorded voice to be a gramophone with a large trumpet.
Mr. Rogers tells them that Mr. Own ordered him to put that record in the gramophone.
After an intense discussion, they arrive at a conclusion that none of them know the Owens who invited them, even the Rogers.
Justice Wargrave deduces that the Owens, Ulick Norman Owen, and Una Nancy Owen are abbreviated as U. N. Owen, a name basically derived from the English word ‘UNKNOWN’.

As they discuss the situation, Anthony Marston dies from choking on his drink. The cause discovered is Potassium Cyanide which surprisingly is neither found in the bottle of whisky nor the soda water.
They conclude that Marston must have committed suicide in the absence of any rational explanation.
That night all guests go to sleep dejected, however, Mr. Rogers notices that the number of China figures has reduced by one.
Vera Claythorne also notices the similarity between Marston’s death and the first two lines of the poem from the mantelpiece.
The next morning, they discover that Mrs. Rogers died in her sleep.
They all want to leave the island but the boat that comes to the island every day with supplies hasn’t arrived. They realize that they are trapped.
Mr. Rogers tells Dr. Armstrong that the number of little China figures has reduced to 8.
Armstrong, Lombard, and Blore start out on a tour of the island to find out U.N. Owen. Meanwhile, General McArthur believes that he has little time to live hence he sits out looking at the sea.
When Dr. Armstrong goes out to call General McArthur for lunch, he finds him dead. He examines the cause of death as a blow on the back of the head.
Justice Wargrave discusses the three deaths with the remaining 7 people and concludes that one of them is a killer.
Storm strikes and heavy rain pours further lowering down their hopes of the boat arriving at the island.
That night, Mr. Rogers locks the dining room and puts the key in his pocket so that no one can play the trick of removing a china figure on the occurrence of a death.
The next morning, all of them except Rogers find out the number of china figures reduced to 6 in the open dining room.
However, Mr. Rogers's dead body is found in the washroom, the cause of death being the use of a big chopper on the back of his head. He was chopping wood to light the kitchen fire while he was killed.
That day after breakfast, Emily Brent sits alone in the dining room as she feels giddy while a few go in the pantry to help Vera Claythorne with washing up the plates.
Emily Brent feels a prick on her neck and she dies with the probable reason - injection of Potassium Cyanide.
Scared and suspicious, everyone sits together after an organized search of everyone’s belongings.
Vera Clathorne goes to her room to take a shower where she screams on seeing a seaweed hanging from the ceiling.
Blore, Lombard, and Armstrong run upstairs to check, and when they return, they find Justice Wargrave in the chair shot in the head, draped in a curtain that looks like a judge’s robe.
In the night, Blore hears someone walking in the corridor, he figures out that Dr. Armstrong is missing.
Philip Lombard and Blore search for Dr. Armstrong only to find him nowhere. They along with Vera Claythorne come outside of the bungalow feeling that they would be safe outside.
Mr. Blore goes back to the house to get some food when a big clock falls from the second floor, crushing him to death.
Freaking out at the death of Mr. Blore, Vera Claythorne, and Philip Lombard move further to the seashore where they found Armstrong’s corpse in the water.
With only Vera and Lombard remaining, Vera is convinced that Lombard is the killer. She snatches away the gun from him and shoots him thus becoming the last survivor.
She retreats to her room relaxed. But when she sees a noose in her room, she feels attracted towards the last line of the ‘Ten soldiers poem’ thus hanging herself and committing suicide.