List of books by Jodi Picoult to discover new perspective around controversial issues

Jodi Picoult list of books

When you study at Princeton University, acquire a graduation degree in English and then you are called years later to be Princeton's class day speaker before commencement, that's what is called SUCCESS.

On top of that when you become the writer of 30+ novels that have crossed 40 million in sales then you become an inspiration, especially for aspiring authors.

This inspirational author is Jodi Picoult, one of the best-selling novelists.

Jodi Picoult's novels have the main ingredient of moral dilemma.

She presents her characters with an added flavor of difficult choices to make in her stories.

Providing you a list of books by Jodi Picoult that’s what the main objective of this blog post but before diving straight into the list, let’s know a little bit about Jodi Picoult - the author.

Who is Jodi Picoult?

who is Jodi Picoult?

Jodi Picoult is an American writer.

Her novels cover a variety of controversial areas.

School shootings, race, suicide, abortion, and LGBT rights to name a few.

Although Jodi Picoult is stereotyped as a chick-lit author, she doesn't mind.

Jodi Picoult is happy with the wide readership of her novels and the love she gets from her readers.

One big evidence of her widespread readership is the sales of her novels exceeding 40 million copies.

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Another supporting evidence is the translation of her novels into 34 languages.

She is the recipient of multiple awards like the famous New England Bookseller Award for fiction, and the Lifetime Achievement Award for mainstream fiction from the romance writers of America.

Several of her novels like the 2021 release 'Wish you were here' has been adapted into movies.

Alright! That were a lot of intriguing things you read about Jodi.

Now comes for you the main topic of this blog post which is Jodi Picoult's list of books.

I have provided this list of Jodi Picoult’s books in order of publication for you.

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List of books by Jodi Picoult in chronological order

Songs of the Humpback Whale: A Novel (1992)

Harvesting the Heart (1994)

Picture Perfect (1995)

Mercy (1996)

The Pact (1998)

Plain Truth (2000)

Salem Falls (2001)

Perfect Match (2002)

Second Glance: A Novel (2003)

My Sister's Keeper (2004)

Vanishing Acts: A Novel (2005)

The Tenth Circle: A Novel (2006)

Nineteen Minutes (2007)

Wonder Woman: Love and Murder SC (2007)

Change of Heart: A Novel (2008)

Handle with Care: A Novel (2009)

House Rules: A Novel (2010)

Over the Moon: A Musical Play (2011)

Sing You Home (2011)

Lone Wolf (2012)

The Storyteller (2013)

A Spark of Light (2018)

The Book of Two Ways (2020)

Wish You Were Here (2021)

Mad Honey (2022)

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Between The Lines (Co-authored with her daughter - Samantha Van leer)

Between the Lines (2012)

Off the Page (2015)

Leaving Time Series

Where There's Smoke: A Leaving Time Novella (2014)

Larger Than Life: A Leaving Time Novella (2014)

Leaving Time (2014)

Obviously, now are wondering which book to start with from this list of Jodi Picoult books in chronological order.

Jodi Picoult Books are stand alones. Yes, you may find some recurring characters but they can be read in any order.

To help you decide, here is the list of the most popular Jodi Picoult books with a sneak peek into their stories.

who is Jodi Picoult?

1. My sister's keeper

Anna and Kate are sisters. Kate has been ill from childhood, suffering from cancer and Anna has been acting as her savior all throughout her life.

Things turn in the opposite direction when Anna is asked to donate her kidney to Kate.

Anna is 13 and wants to play hockey so she sues her parents for medical emancipation with the help of a lawyer.

And who is the lawyer opposite Anna? Anna's own mother Sara.

Is Anna's decision to not donate her kidney to her ill sister correct? Or is she acting under someone's influence?

You should definitely read this as the first novel from Jodi Picoult's book list in order of publication.

2. Small Great Things

Ruth Jefferson is an African American labor and delivery nurse in a Connecticut hospital.

She is assigned to look after a newborn baby.

But the newborn parents are white supremacists and they don't want Ruth to touch their baby.

The hospital asks Ruth to abide by the prejudicial instruction of the parents.

Suddenly, the baby goes into cardiac arrest and Ruth is alone with the baby.

She has a hard choice to make, what will she do now?

She can't decide, hesitates and the baby dies.

And thus she is charged with murder and her whole life changes for the worst.

3. Nineteen Minutes

A bomb explodes in a car parked in the parking lot of a school and suddenly a shooter starts firing in the school building.

Patrick, a detective from the Sterling Police Action Force, grabs and arrests the shooter only to find out that he is a student of the same school - Peter Houghton.

Patrick captures Peter Houghton in the locker room of the school where he finds two more students on the floor, a girl and a boy.

The girl is injured and the boy is dead, shot twice.

A mystery surrounds the dead boy who is shot twice but what caused Peter Houghton to take such a nasty step?

You will find all answers in this popular novel by Jodi Picoult who has weaved the story around the subject of school shootings.

4. The Pact

The Golds move next to the Hartes in the small town of Bainbridge. Both families are expecting and since their interests match, they get close to each other.

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Chris Harte and Emily Gold are destined to be together from the day they are born and their parents are happy about their relationship.

As teenagers, they come closer and start dating.

At 3 AM, both families receive telephone calls, hearing which they rush to the hospital.

At the hospital, they find Chris injured with a head wound and Emily shot in the head who is pronounced dead.

Chris, on receiving his consciousness, claims that Emily shot herself under a suicide pact that they both made.

After Emily shot herself, Chris fell unconscious before he could end his own life. This is the reason why he is alive.

Chris is now the main suspect in the homicide of Emily and is put behind the bars on remand.

Read this novel to know what happened to Chris. Was he hiding something?

5. Plain truth

A dead infant is found on an Amish farm.

Police find cloth fibers in the mouth of the infant and believe that somebody suffocated the infant.

The infant’s mother, Katie Fischer who is an Amish girl, is charged with the murder.

The twist in the story appears when Katie denies ever being pregnant.

She calls her distant relative Ellie Hathaway, who is also a defense attorney to fight her case.

But who killed the infant when Katie denies ever being pregnant?

Will Ellie win the case for Katie? Or did Katie indeed kill her child?

You will find all answers in this seventh novel by Jodi Picoult.

6. The StoryTeller

Sage Singer is a baker, who works through nights as she believes that she deserves a lonely life.

She has a facial scar and a scar on her heart caused due to something horrible that happened years ago.

She was driving the car that met an accident that killed her mother.

Sage joins a grief group where she meets Josef Weber, an old man.

Josef’s wife has died recently and he is revered by the people of the town as a nice man.

Sage and Josef strike an unlikely friendship when Josef asks for her help.

Josef wants Sage to help him die by suicide. Why? Because he has a shocking past.

Josef reveals that he was a Nazi commander who killed innocent people in the Holocaust at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Sage is shocked at hearing this and is confronted with a hard choice to make.

If she helps Josef then it can even lead her into legal trouble.

What will Sage do now?

The Storyteller is the twenty-second novel in Jodi Picoult’s list of books.

You should buy this novel today to read an intriguing story by Jodi Picoult.

7. The Book of Two Ways

Dawn Edelstein is on a plane and suddenly she gets to hear from a flight attendant that the plane is about to crash.

With death imminent, in her final moments, she begins to contemplate.

Surprisingly, rather than thinking of her husband, her beloved daughter, and her job as a Death doula at home, she thinks about Wyatt Armstrong.

Wyatt Armstrong is a man she saw fifteen years ago, who is now in Egypt working as an archeologist unearthing ancient burial sites.

Dawn studied for the same job but she couldn’t continue when life interfered.

The twist comes when Dawn survives the crash.

Now, when Dawn has the means of transportation provided by the airline company ready to take her where she wants to go, she is left with two choices.

One is to go back to her family and her job back home.

The second is to go to Egypt, to Wyatt Armstrong, and to a job that she loved.

Which one will she choose?

8. Leaving Time

After 10 years of her mother goes missing in a tragic accident, Jenna Metcalf wants to find her whereabouts.

She regularly searches for her online and goes through the pages of her mother’s journals who as a scientist studied grief among elephants.

Jenna is confident that her mother’s work will definitely provide a clue about where is she.

Along with her mother’s journals, she takes the help of a retired detective and a psychic to find her mother but will she be able to find her?

9. House Rules

Jacob Hunt is a teenager suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome. But he is more intelligent in many areas than others.

Jacob has a police scanner in his room to which he listens.

He helps cops by visiting crime scenes, offering suggestions to the police, and mostly proving right in his deductions.

All thanks to his obsession with Forensic Analysis.

But the twist arrives when a murder happens in Jacob’s town and he is arrested as the main suspect. How? Because his behavior looks more full of guilt to the local police.

Has Jacob really committed the murder?

10. Change of Heart

Kurt - June’s second husband - and Elizabeth - her eldest daughter from her first husband - are found murdered.

June is pregnant with Kurt’s child but is now devastated as her life has turned turtle.

The primary suspect is Shay Bourne, who is arrested and charged with 2 counts of capital murder. Shay is sentenced to death by the jury.

Eleven years later, Shay wants to donate his heart to a girl with an ailing heart condition.

This girl is none but Claire - the daughter of June and Kurt.

What is the reason behind Shay’s change of heart? Was he hiding something?

Conclusion: Books by Jodi Picoult in order of publication

Missing on reading Jodi’s Picoult books is like deliberately staying away from awesome storytelling.

I tell you again that it is not mandatory to read books in the order of publication from this list of books by Jodi Picoult.

You can start with any book from this list of 10 books that I compiled for you which will pique your interest in the work done by this brilliant author.

So, tell me please the story of which of the above books intrigued you the most.

Will you be reading all the books given in the above list of Jodi Picoult’s books or is there any other order in your mind?

Don’t forget to share this article on your social media profile.

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