3. You know about almost every book
Science is a boon as well as a bane, everything good comes at a cost. While one can be in instant contact with another through a smartphone and can check important emails, smartphone also plays a role in deviating people from their social life.
I won’t go further in it as we all know it, however, based on this thought a couple of my friends started an offline book club a couple of years ago. Everyone was invited in that club on just one condition, you’ll have to leave your smartphone outside the club room.
The only thing we did in the club was conversing about different books. Everyone would tell us about the content of the book he/she read and this way, we all got to know which all books to read next.
In the club came a guy, his name Vishal. Whenever anyone started conversing about a new book or the book that 80% of the club population never read, Vishal would jump into the conversation with his thoughts about the book.
I mean to say, that he was there expressing thoughts about every book that was discussed in the book club. One day, he was asked – ‘have you seriously read every book that we talk about?’ He humbly answered ‘most of them’.
Vishal from our book club was a voracious book reader, a bibliomaniac, a patient of bibliophilia.
4. You have to read the book before getting into anything else
It is common in an IT company that people work beyond 12 am, particularly when the project deadlines are near. In 2013, I was in the same work mode, in fact, my entire team was crushing itself to meet the project deadlines.
On one busy night I went to the pantry with one of my colleagues of the team for a cup of hot tea.
We started sharing experiences of living in share, which means, living with roommates. My colleague told me about the peculiar habit of his roommate.
He told me that as per his work schedule, his roommate would arrive very late around 2 to 3 AM in the morning. Now, most of us would think of nothing but crashing on the bed, some would also think of watching a movie or a web series but this gentleman would read a book.
The peculiarity was that he had an obsession of reading at least 5-7 pages before sleeping and many a times, my colleague also saw him opening books just after he would get up.
Even when that gentleman would go out for a trek or a party, he would get ready before everyone else and would utilize the time reading a book while others were getting ready.
This peculiar obsession of touching a book before doing anything else, even sleeping, is the sign that you’re a bibliophile.