APJ Abdul Kalam

Aerospace scientist, Bharat ratna, Missile man, 11th president of India are some of the words which suggest the identity of Late. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
Well, a reality check suggests that these are very less to describe this unprecedented, incredible inspiring person.
About APJ Abdul Kalam we all know but do you know that besides playing major roles in various projects of DRDO and ISRO, he has propounded his ideas and genius to the world in the form of many books? He has been described a ‘bookworm’ too and as per the data on the internet he himself took inspiration from many phenomenal books.
Listed down are the books read by APJ Abdul Kalam -
Thirukkural by Thiruvallur
Light from many Lamps: A treasury of Inspiration - Lillian
Empires of the mind:Lessons to lead and succeed in a knowledge based world
Everyday Greatness by Stephen R Covey
Also, it would be unfair to switch to the next influential leader unless I list down few of the great books by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam -
1. Wings of Fire,
2. Ignited Minds,
3. India 2020,
4. Target 3 billion,
5. Indomitable Spirit
6. Thoughts for Change: We can do it
7. The Luminous Sparks

Narendranath datta better known as ‘Swami Vivekananda’ showed the world that through practice, concentration, and continence a human being can read one book per day. This is actually true; Swami Vivekananda was a voracious reader and had the ability to finish a book in a very short amount of time.
Swami Vivekananda was an extraordinary man and spent much of his time reading books.
The words said by Swami Vivekananda in the world's parliament of religion held in Chicago in 1893 exemplify the extraordin
ary charisma and splendid oratory skills he possessed.
Many lessons can be taken from Swami Vivekananda's life. The philosophy of Swami Vivekananda had a divine touch which attracted several followers from different countries and perhaps the number of followers from foreign countries outnumbered the followers of him from India.
A lot of books have been written on Swami Vivekananda's life but what arouses my curiosity is to know which books did he read.
He read around ten volumes of Encyclopaedia Britannica, considered very difficult to finish in one lifetime.
He was also fond of the work of David Hume and it is said, that he was very much fond of Bhagvadgita.
Some of the books which he read include –
1. Bhagavad-Gita,
2. Imitation of Christ
3. Aristotle.
4. Three essays on Religion – John Stuart Mill
5. Pickwik papers – Charles Dickens
Many of his teachings, his letters and his life's events have been mentioned in the book ' Swami Vivekananda - the living vedanta' by chaturvedi badrinath.