It is complete material for GATE 2020 and it's all brand new book. .
bx-zone.com says :-
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering started 37 years ago in 1983 and since then it has been changing lives of many graduate students. GATE acts as a gateway to post-graduation in engineering. Apart from earning admission in various reputed institutes, many students also get access to many public sector jobs through GATE exam. But, like I always say, preparing for an exam of a stature as high as GATE requires perspiration and some good study material. Perspiration depends on your will but recommending a good GATE study material is what I can do for my bx-zone.com visitors. I highly recommend you to read from ‘Made easy study material for GATE’ in order to do GATE exam preparation. If you’re already intrigued by the discount of 23% on this study material and are wondering how to buy made easy material of GATE computer engineering then it’s very simple all you have to do is press the ‘contact owner’ button above and the seller of the book will contact you and in case you want to check other similar books then here a couple for you.
GATE-Mechanical Engineering(complete set)