bx-zone.com says :-
Whenever I see a car passing by, or even when I ride a bicycle, I feel a great deal of respect to all the mechanical engineers of the world. It is a branch of engineering which has led to great inventions in the world. India offers great opportunities through the post graduate programmes where you can obtain a degree in MTech by studying in reputed colleges of the country like the Indian Institute of Technology. I am sure that you know that in order to procure an MTech degree in mechanical engineering you need to write the gate exam of mechanical engineering. The GATE mechanical engineering preparation begins from knowing the syllabus. The GATE syllabus of mechanical engineering is divided into exactly four sections; the first being Engineering mathematics which covers topics like Linear Algebra, Differential equations, Calculus, Probability and statistics, numerical methods and complex variables. The second being Applied Mechanics and design which covers topics like Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Theory of Machines, Machine Design and Vibrations. The third section of the GATE syllabus of mechanical engineering is Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences – topics covered are Heat-Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Applications, Thermodynamics. The last section being Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, topics include – Casting and Joining processes, Engineering materials, Machining and Machine tool operations, Computer integrated manufacturing, Metrology and Inspection, Production planning and control, operations research, and Inventory control. Now, the next step becomes of carefully choosing the best books for GATE mechanical preparation . Obviously, the engineering textbooks will help you to prepare for it but it is often recommended to get your hands on some good gate mechanical engineering study material and study from it as it contains topic wise questions, question banks, previous year question papers and quick refresher guide and you’re looking at such a study material right now. In order to buy it at a discount of 38%, all you have to do is hit the ‘contact owner’ button. A value add to your preparation will be to also go through the gate lecture notes of mechanical engineering; yes! bx-zone.com has got everything for you which means that such lecture notes are also available for you at great discounts in the used bookstore.