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As fresh as new one.Contact me if you need any info about book.Buy soon and crack the gate.. says :-
GATE exam provides you the opportunity to study your subject further and became a master in it. All students who love their subject must pursue its post-graduation course and simply not for getting a job. Civil engineering is a subject for which I court for post-graduation course. Civil engineering is a universe in itself because of civil engineers we drive our car through the Bandra-worli sea link, we live in our house, in apartments of sky scrapers. In the post-graduation course of civil engineering you can get into by cracking the Gate civil engineering exam. But first you need to understand and alayize the syllabus so, in this article I bring the syllabus of GATE civil engineering for you. The GATE civil engineering syllabus is divided into 3 sections – General aptitude, Engineering mathematics and Civil engineering itself. Of these 3 sections, the IIT asks 72% of questions on Civil engineering section. 15% is asked on the general aptitude section and 13% on engineering mathematics. The civil engineering section is sub-divided into Structural engineering, Geomatics engineering, Water resources engineering, Environmental engineering, transportation engineering, Geo- Technical engineering. I would now provide you topics from each of these sections. First, structural engineering – the topics include Engineering mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Construction Materials and Management, Concrete Structures, Steel Structures. From Geomatics engineering, the topics include – soil mechanics, foundation engineering. The topics from water resources engineering are – fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrology, irrigation. From environmental engineering, questions can be asked on Water and Waste water, Air pollution, Municipal solid wastes. The topics from transportation engineering are Transportation infrastructure, Traffic engineering, Highway pavements. And finally, the topics from Geotechnical engineering include – Principles of surveying, Error"s and their adjustments, Maps - scale, coordinate system, Distance and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation survey, Basics of Geographical information system (GIS) and Geographical Positioning system (GPS),Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry - scale, flying height; remote sensing - basics, platform and sensors, visual image interpretation. So, this was the GATE civil engineering syllabus. Wait a minute, I left giving you the topics of engineering mathematics – In the engineering mathematics syllabus, the topics which you need to prepare are Linear Algebra, calculus, Ordinary differential equation, partial differential equations, probability, statistics and Numerical methods. You can see the syllabus is vast but if work hard with right set of books for GATE civil engineering then you have good chances of doing PG in civil engineering. You will find plenty of books of civil engineering in our used bookstore at a discount like this one available for you at a discount of 78%.

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