Twenty one Lessons for the twenty first century

Author : Yuval Noah Harari
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How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war , ecological cataclysm and technological disruptions. says :-
The author of this book has focused on the problems persistent in the world and the problems which may arise due to few prevailing situations in the world. There is a book by the same author Yuval Noah Harari on the distant past as well as on the distant future so like, it is mentioned earlier it focuses on issues prevailing today. They fall under categories like Geopolitical, tyrannical, economical, issues regarding machine learning destroying jobs as well as global warming. The author has expressed his views and has asked questions in the form of essays. There is an interesting fact about this book which is, it has been chosen by Mark Zuckerberg in his book club(books to read). It is available at a discount of 37% in the city of Noida for you to buy.

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