Mathematics for Class 12(Volume 1)

Author : RD Sharma
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New Delhi Educational
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Price is negotiable. Other books of class 11th and 12th are also available. Contact me directly on whatsapp: 7503268062. says :-
If you have chosen to build a career in any field related to Science be it engineering, PHD, business management or even ISRO or NASA then class 12 Maths is really important. I am being very serious here because the fundamentals taught in class 12 maths syllabus come to your advantage directly or indirectly later in life, during the preparation of any post-graduation entrance test or while you’re at work. In case you’re dreaming to be a professor in IIT, then pay special attention to the mathematics for class 12. All the schools which are affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education use the books, the syllabus of which is designed by NCERT. This reputed institution always does an exceptional job in providing some of the best concepts in the class 12 maths book, which if read & studied properly by you can bring you some good grades in class 12 as well as this class 12 maths ncert book can help you enormously in the preparation of iit jee exam. Don’t be even a little bit scared of class 12 maths, unlike class 11 maths syllabus, it brings you concepts of differential and integrals which are indeed fun to solve. The chapter of probability is a little bit different and harder to grasp than others but once you have mastered the stimulation then let me tell you it would help a lot if you chose the career of data scientist.

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