
Author : Steven Levitt
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Mumbai Business & Management
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Freakonomics, a best seller in economics. Available in good condition. (paperback). says :-
Belonging to the field of sociology and economics Freakonomics is available in the city Mumbai at a cool discount of 62%. When you hear of the title of this book it makes you break the title into two and imagine the theme behind. The book exactly aligns with its title and does justice to your imagination.It is usually seen that economics and sociology scholars read lots of books to enhance their views as well as continue adding to their economics knowledge base, well, you can ownn Freakonomics to read some insights written by its author through a collection of articles. The author in this book has stressed on how various day to day issues are related to economics; this book asks questions, it displays stats on various problems and topics.When you read this book, it tells you why it has been a bestseller.

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