Everything you desire

Author : Harshdeep Jolly
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New Delhi Biography
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This book is about the journey of the writer spanning 21 months of his life at IIM Bangalore... A good read!.

bx-zone.com says :-
When you prepare for an exam like CAT or IIT, you wonder how the life would be in one of these institutes. You dream of the day when you get to experience the time in any of these institutes. Everything you desire is one such book by Harshdeep Jolly which is about the life in IIM-B. The book is an autobiography narrating the daily events/experiences of the author in one of the best institutes for MBA in the world. Years ago, Chetan Bhagat released his first novel ‘Five Point Someone’ which became a classic Indian fiction among youngsters. The book portrayed the life of 3 friends in the Indian Institute of Technology with all the ‘masala’ that the author could add to make the story more interesting. Everything you desire is a book similar to ‘Five Point Someone’ less the ‘masala’ and the institute changed to IIM from IIT. Like I told you that this book doesn’t have any spices to make the story more interesting hence, you won’t find any love story in Everything you desire. Rather, the book will feel more like a daily journal so if you are a book reader who loves reading letters and journals to enjoy the events a person goes through along with his/her reactions to them then this book is a must buy for you at a discount of 70%. The book gives you a realistic read with humor in certain pages. If you have been an alumni of IIM then the book is totally going to empathize with you. For 30 bucks, Everything you desire is worth a read. To buy it, all you need to do is hit the ‘contact owner’ button above.

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