The autobiography of an unknown Indian

Author : Nirad C. Chaudhuri
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New Delhi Biography
Jaico Publishing House No exchange option

This is an autobiography on that unsung hero of our India, who has contributed his life to India and in his autobiography he has left many lessons for us to learn from.. says :-
This is a short blog is dedicated to the book published in 1951 ‘The autobiography of an unknown Indian’. The book was written by Nirad C. Chaudhari who was a man of an altogether unusual character. He was born in the year 1897 in Kishoreganj which is in present day Bangladesh. Nirad C Chaudhary had writership flowing in his blood. His last work was published at the age of 99 and he died just before his 102nd birthday. Yes, the man was almost 102 years old when he died. This autobiography was deeply loved by the leaders like Winston Churchill, who admired the piece of writing by the author who seemingly was an anglophile. One important characteristic which is going to pull your attention is that Nirad C Chaudhary never went to London but he was familiar with each and every street of London, you can imagine it in the time where Google Maps were not there. The book The autobiography of an unknown Indian is more than an autobiography, obviously it will tell you the birthplace of the author, the village where he grew, his affection towards London and his intellect, but it will also give an account of the events in the previous century, when India was striving to come out of the British rule, from the eyes of the author. I believe it can be an entertaining piece, if you are looking to buy a biography but let me tell you that it’s a bit lengthy. Available for you at a discount of 40% in the online second hand bookstore of

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