CAT coaching material plus Data interpretation quantitative aptitude book

Author : TIME, Career Launcher and Arun
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6000.00 15000.00
Noida Educational
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It includes all the class coaching material of TIME and Career Launcher. And also include Arun sharma books to supplement the material.. says :-
I am sure that you’re very serious about cracking CAT this year which is why you have landed on this page of 2nd hand CAT exam material, scrolled down and are now reading this content. Common admission test is the most prestigious entry gate to reputed business schools crowning the list of which are the IIMs (Indian Institute of Management). It is widely said on the internet and in few student forums that that the best CAT study material is that of TIME institute. The quality of material is very important from which you’re actually reading, the types of questions in aptitude, DI and English which you solve determine your success in the exam. It is recommended to plan your preparation in phases – the first phase has to be that of warm up which must include very basic questions in order to create momentum. Make sure that this phase is very small and then just switch to intermediate and tough level questions where the CAT study material from time can help you. However, if you’re interested in this listing then nothing is better than this because in this books’ listing, in particular, you’re not only getting TIME study material for CAT second hand but in addition to that you’re also getting study material of Career Launcher institute which is a big win-win for you. The used bookseller of this listing is also giving away Arun Sharma books to complement such cool CAT study material of these 2 reputed institutes. I am sure that you won’t miss out on such a great deal and will thus hit the ‘contact owner’ button above.

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