Past years' chapterwise solved papers of IIT JEE MAINS and advance

Author : Amit M agarwal, Ranjeet shahi,
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New Delhi Educational
Arihant publications No exchange option

Absolutely new and unused books with chapterwise papers from 1979-2015 (37 years). says :-
Be it any exam you’re preparing for – previous years question papers form an integral step of your preparation. You simply can’t ignore to solve the previous year question papers as it’s like going to bat in the cricket match without practicing for conditions, it’s like going to sing on the stage without checking the mic and the loudspeakers, like going to fight in the war without your armor on. Understand the significance of these examples, they are very important and unless you do them you can’t bat, sing or fight. This is how important previous year question papers are while preparing for any exam. boasts the availability of solved papers as well as unsolved papers at some smashing discounts for the aspirants of any exam being conducted in India. So, you will get the UPSC previous year question papers and jee mains previous years question papers as well. For IIT JEE mains, you will even get previous 37 years question papers as well at some smashing discounts. There is not one listing, or two listing or three listing but the listing of these IIT JEE solved papers are in thousands in the used bookstore of bx-zone. It is recommended that after studying and solving numerical questions of any chapter you do during your preparation of jee mains then you must solve the questions from the jee previous year question papers. There are some students who keep it for last, there is no problem in it but 9 out of 10 times, it is always missed because you may not get time to enter this step even because of the humongous syllabus of JEE. Just keep this important tip regarding JEE mains preparation in your mind.

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