Shoe Dog

Author : Phil Knight
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Biography of Nike Founder Phil Knight, interesting read. says :-
Everyone has heard about Nike, yes, the globally popular shoe brand. But very few have known about its story, how it started, what did the Nike founder Phil Knight earn in the first of starting his business? The Shoe Dog book is worth reading, because it contains in itself a memoir by the Nike founder Phil Knight himself. Phil Knight passed all the business school tests, and set on an unconventional journey of opening a shoe start up when he imported ‘high quality low cost runner shoes’ from Japan and sold them. Nike made 8000$ in its first year which was 1962. Today, Nike is worth close to 30$ billion. Nike is an example one of the simplest businesses started with a modest amount of $50 which Phil Knight borrowed from his father telling the world that simplicity is always the key to a successful business. The founder shares his entire journey of how he built a globally recognized shoes brand in the Shoe dog book available at a discount of in the used bookstore of

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