How to win friends and influence people

Author : Dale Carnegie
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This book has potential to turn around your relationships and improve your dealing with all of the people in your life. says :-
A person is lying if he says that he doesn’t want to become a center of attraction. Almost every human being wants attention. Every human wants to be needed and wishes that people around him or her come to him with their problems or invitations for weekend parties. However, the bitter reality is that a lot of people fail to garner attention and thus develop a feeling that they are not needed. Such people fall short of making friends in college, face difficulty in excelling at their jobs, and eventually develop the fear of speaking in public as well as socializing. Their confidence goes in a downward spiral and thus, life for them gets hard. Dale Carnegie recognized this issue among people more than a century ago and he wrote one of the best selling books of all time - how to win friends and influence people. Even if you don’t face any of the issues stated above I suggest you read this book because this book will help you improve on your weaknesses and double down on your strengths. You must also know that the great investor Warren Buffet enrolled in Dale Carnegie classes as he wanted to give away his fear of public speaking. Now imagine a classic book written by such a brilliant business coach, how would it be? If you vow to follow a few ‘how to win friends and influence people’ rules, not all, you will see in a short time that your life has changed for good. You will become a person of class, and all fears that troubled you will be a thing of the past, such is the power of the words inside this amazing book. I am sure you want to get your hands on this book now and you can buy it at a low price from, right here in this listing, where it is available at a discount of 49%. However, since you have patiently read this short article, I would like to tell you six ways from this book to make people like you. Remember, they are summarized - 1) Show interest in the people you are talking to, 2) Always smile, 3) Address a person using his or her name, people are fond of their names, 4) Be a good listener rather only expressing yourself, 5) Target the person’s areas of interests, 6) With sincere effort make the other person feel important. The book contains a few golden rules that can dramatically change your life.

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