IIT JEE solved papers from 2016 1979

Author : DC Pandey
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320.00 395.00
Mysore Educational
Arihant publication 2017 print No exchange option

Thirty eight years chapterwise topic wise for physics brand new price negotiable.

bx-zone.com says :-
After the exams of JEE mains back in 2006, my friend jumped out of joy because his exam really went well. He did tell me about his key strategy to crack the JEE exams, before writing the exams he was really afraid of physics, so, a month ago from exams he started solving iit jee physics previous years solved papers and the results were awesome, that’s how important solving iit jee previous year question papers is. Information in this period flows at a rapid rate than it used to a decade ago, and due to this pace, a kid entering his teens starts dreaming about getting into IITs. To make this dream a reality proper preparation with various strategies is needed. Solving previous years question papers is one such key strategy. Adapting this strategy just shoots up the odds of your success rate. Now, the next step is where to buy these iit jee solved papers, this is where bx-zone comes into picture which brings for you and other students like you IIT JEE solved papers from 2016 1979 at a big discount of 18% in the city of Mysore. So, save money which you’d have spent by buying them from some place else.

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