
Author : Dan Brown
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Bengaluru Fiction
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Superb thriller. If u have read da Vinci code, u would definitely love this.. says :-
Inferno by Dan Brown should be your next read if you haven’t read it now. I am not saying that you leave the book you are reading currently and start this one. Why I am not suggesting you to read Inferno simultaneously with any other book because this book is an institution in itself. The book refers in so many pages to Dante’s Inferno and it is going to stimulate interest in you for Dante’s Inferno. A sensible bookworm won’t compare Inferno Dan Brown book with the movie made on it. Nothing against the movie and its crew but the movie was superficial with a twisted ending that completely eliminated the meaning and the purpose of the character of the Antagonist. Inferno by Dan Brown is going to make you think over the global issue of overpopulation that is a major reason for the depletion of resources in many ways. The book does involve a chase by Robert Langdon similar to other novels of Dan Brown. In that chase, Robert Langdon visits various ancient architectures of Rome, France and Turkey. Even though Dan Brown’s novels do not provide any images of any of the architectures but his explanation his so brilliant that you automatically start visualizing the buildings and the architectures of Rome. Only great authors who know how to easily present details to their readers can do such wonders. The descriptive accounts of the pieces of art, places, architecture and buildings add flavors to narration of the author. The book begins with a startling situation in which Robert Langdon is in the hospital and an attack follows, so you are in the story the moment you have read 2 pages. Apart from Robert Langdon, the world health organization (WHO) is also fully involved in the story. A man who runs a mysterious organization and is described to have been working from a ship in the middle of the seas adds spice of suspicion and mystery to the story. The character to look forward to in Inferno by Dan Brown is Bertrand Zobrist, who is a scientist with Transhumanist values. The whole story revolves around the invention of Bertrand Zobrist which is believed to solve the global issue of overpopulation and that too when he is dead by suicide. A great twist in the climax of the book is mindboggling and will bring you goose bumps. Inferno Dan Brown price on is much lower than its actual price. The featured discount is 66% and is available in the city of Bengaluru. To buy Inferno by Dan Brown hit the ‘contact owner’ button now.

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