Mechanics part 2 iit jee

Author : D. C.Pandey
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Book in good condition still more iit jee books available or call seven eight nine two zero seven two nine zero nine. says :-
Aspiring IITians always ask in the nascent stage which is the best book for iit jee physics? All the experienced folks always reply with one and one book HC Verma vol1 and vol2. Book selection is very important because physics section of the IIT JEE paper is very crucial to your success in the exam. One section under physics which is of vital importance and is a little tougher but more interesting than other topics is Mechanics. Topics like Newton’s Laws of motion, Conservation of momentum, Kinematics, fluid mechanics all fall under this section of mechanics. But, my suggestion especially for mechanics to start from the NCERT books that will help you prepare for class 12th NCERT exam as well, solve all the questions behind the chapter and then switch to the great HC Verma books. Along with HC Verma and SL Arora there is one more book of writer D.C. Pandey – Mechanics part 2 iit jee – which can help you build robust concepts of mechanics. It is in brand new condition and available at a cool discount of 32% only in the used bookstore of They say that only one thing can take you way ahead of others when it comes to cracking IIT JEE which means that the more books you solve and the more years papers you solve, the better get your chances of clearing the IIT JEE mains exam. And if you’re dreaming to be a mechanical engineer or an automobile engineer then do remember mechanics will help you throughout your life.

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