Out of my comfort zone Steve waugh

Author : Steve waugh
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Absolutely close to new. Must for a cricket fan to read.

bx-zone.com says :-
It’s always exciting to see twins in real world because you’re not habitual of seeing two people with almost same features. When you see twins in a cricket team it’s a rare thing. I felt that too when as a kid, I saw Steve Waugh and Mark Waugh in the Australian cricket team. Australia won the 1999 world cup under the leadership of Steve Waugh who through his exceptional leadership skills raised the odds of Australia’s victory in the early phase of the tournament itself. Out of my way is an autobiography of Steve Waugh. It’s a sneak peek in his personal life, his relationship with fellow players and more importantly, his honest opinion of various players of the Cricket team. This book provides insights into his professional as well as his personal life, controversies and clashes. If you have ever been a fond of Australian Cricket team or its attitude then buy it at a discount of 50% from bx-zone.com

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